
Campaign Finance Transparency

Colorado Springs Reports and Data - Campaign Finance >>

Voters deserve to know how candidates' campaigns are funded. Fortunately, our City makes that relatively easy, though you need to know whereto look. Go here Reports and Data - Campaign Finance to find the financial filings of all local candidates and elections. The names, donation amounts, employers, and contributors' occupations are required.

Voters deserve to know how candidates' campaigns are funded. Fortunately, our City makes that relatively easy, though you need to know where to look. Go to Reports and Data - Campaign Finance to find the financial filings of all local candidates and elections. The names, donation amounts, employers, and contributors' occupations are required.

While the City Attorney has stated publicly that a campaign contribution is not, on its own, evidence of a conflict of interest, voters naturally want assurances that their elected officials are not being unduly influenced. They want to know that elected officials are not making decisions based on their own business interests or those of friends and associates. Such determinations can be very hard to make. But elected officials can help increase trust in local government by being as transparent as possible.

I can disclose and assure you of these things:

• My re-election campaign is accepting no contributions from real estate developers.

• My husband and I own one home and no additional real estate. We own one car and no other personal property of any significance.

• We have no business interests (e.g., ownership or partnership stakes, etc.) in any local enterprises. I have filed the appropriate paperwork with the City Clerk attesting to that.

• If you search my financial filings, you will find that several are from contributors who live out of state. These are family members and friends who want to support me. I am grateful that some of the people who know me best are able and eager to contribute!

In collaboration with you, I am motivated to do what is best for the residents of City Council District 5 and all of Colorado Springs.

It’s that simple.

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